Home > By Name > Research Fellow > JIANG Shenyang
JIANG Shenyang
JIANG Shenyang

Research Assistant Professor

Advanced Institute of Business


Research Interest:

Substantive: Supply chain management, People-centric operations, Digital operations, Generative AI

Methodology: Econometrics, Field Experiments

2021 Ph.D. in Operation Management, Zhejiang University

2016 B.A. in Logistics Engineering, Jilin University

2021.12-present, Assistant Researcher, Advanced Institute of Business, Tongji University

Journal Publications (*corresponding author)

  1. Jiang, S., A.C.L, Yeung., Han, Z., Huo, B. 2023. The Effect of Customer and Supplier Concentrations on Firm Resilience during The COVID‐19 Pandemic: Resource Dependence and Power Balancing. (Journal of Operations Management).
  2. Ye, Y., Jiang, S*., Fan, D., Huo, B., Liu, M. 2023. Rigidity in Crisis: The Impact of OHSAS 18001 Certification on Production Repurposing in COVID-19. (Production and Operations Management).
  3. Niu, Y., Wu, J., Jiang S., Jiang Z. 2024. Manufacturing Servicization and Bullwhip Effect. (Management Science, forthcoming).
  4. Wang, Q., Jiang, S*., Ngai, E., Huo, B 2024. Vendor Selection in The Wake of Data Breach: A Longitudinal Study. (Journal of Operations Management, forthcoming).
  5. Jiang, S., He, H., Liu, X., Huo, B. 2024. Public Utility Obstacles and Productivity Growth. (Journal of Operations Management, forthcoming).
  6. Jiang S., Hu, M., Jin, Y., Qiu, L., Duan, Y. 2024. Impact of Information Provision and Technique Support on Patient No-Shows. (Production and Operations Management, forthcoming).
  7. Zheng, Z., Jiang, S*., Cui, R. Online Learning and Educational Inequality. (Production and Operations Management, forthcoming).

Selected Working Papers

  1. Zhao, X., Jiang, S*., Huo, B., Ye, Y Does Green Supplier Make Customer Greener? The Moderating Effect of Dependence in Customer-Supplier Dyads. (Major revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management).
  2. Jiang, S., Wang, Q., Jin., Y., Peng., CH. Impact of Data Breach on IT Investment: Embracing both Failure Learning and Threat Rigidity. (Minor revision at Production and Operations Management).
  3. Liu Q., Jiang, S., Qiu, L., Huo,B. The Impact of Dockless Bike Sharing on Air Quality: An Empirical Investigation. (R&R at Production and Operations Management).
  4. Jiang, S., Liu, X., Pang, C. The Bullwhip Effect in E-Commerce Supply Chains: An Analytically Grounded Empirical Investigation. (R&R at Journal Operations Management).
  5. 牛艺萌,姜沈阳,江志斌. 制造服务化对供应商与客户风险共担影响的实证研究. (大修, 管理科学学报).
  6. Hu, Y., Jiang, S*. Collective Traumatic Memory and Cultural Product Consumption.

Other Papers 

  1. Han, Z., Jiang, S*., Zheng, Z., Jin, Y. 2023. Doing Good Right: Building Resilience through Donations during the Pandemic (International Journal of Operations & Production Management)
  2. Hu, M., Jiang, S*. 2024. The Influence of Short-Term Managerial Myopia on Supply Chain Concentration: The Moderating Role of Long-Term Incentives for the Supervisory Board. (Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review).
  3. Zuo, Y., Jiang, S., Wei, J. 2021. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Conduce to The Mitigation of Liability of Newness? Evidence from China (Small Business Economics).
  4. Han Z., Hu, M., Yan, Z., Jiang, S. 2022 Supplier-base concentration, and efficiency: the moderating roles of R&D expenditure and market share. (International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management)
  5. Jiang, S., Han, Z., Huo, B. 2020. Patterns of IT Use: The Impact on Green Supply Chain Management and Firm Performance. (Industrial Management & Data Systems).
  6. Hu, M., Jiang, S*., Huo, B. 2023. The Impacts of Supply Visibility and Demand Visibility on Product Innovation: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Integration. (International Journal of Logistics Management)
  7. Hu, M, Han Q, Li, S & Jiang, S*. 2024. Impact of Trade Credit on Innovation Performance: The Mediating Roles of Information Sharing and Collaborative R&D. (International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications).
  8. Wang, Qian, Jiang, S*, Thatcher, Jason, Daniel Pienta, and Ngai, E. Do Good and Do No Harm Too: Employee-Related Corporate Social (Ir)Responsibility and Information Security Performance. (Minor revision at Journal of the Association for Information Systems).
  9. Liu, X., Jiang, S*, Qu, W. Quantity without Quality: How Government Policies Create a Facade of Digitalization. (Major revision at Journal of the Association for Information Systems).
  10. Hu, M., Wang, K., Jiang, S*, A.C.L, Yeung., Huo, B. Self-Reliance or Dependence? Patterns of Information Technology Use on Innovation Performance. (Major revision at International Journal of Production Research).

Conference Presentations

  • International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Qingdao, China, July 2018
  • Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 2020
  • Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Conference, 2021, online
  • Production and Operations Management Annual Conference, 2023, online


  • Douglas Nigh Award Finalist for IM Division at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2020
  • Best Student Paper Award Nominee, CIST, 2023.
  • Zhejiang University Outstanding Graduate (2020)


  • Fotor.com (consultant)
  • Pixel Bee (consultant)
  • E-wash platform
  • Jiaxing E-commerce Association (consultant)
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