案例中心 系列讲座:案例研究中过程数据的处理:时序区间策略

案例中心     2019-09-23

Topic:  Dealing Process Data in Case Study Research:

                The Temporal Bracketing Strategies          

Time:  13:30~16:00, September 25 (Wednesday), 2019

Speaker: Prof. Prange

Venue: Room 309, Tongji Building A, Tongji University

Short Bio:

  • Professor of International Management and Strategy at Tongji University
  • Habilitation de Recherche, Uni Lyon 3, France
  • PhD from Université de Genève, Switzerland



         The lecture provides a brief overview on a variety of case study approaches (explorative, explanative, descriptive). Then, it focuses on employing process data, tackling misunderstandings in process research while demonstrating how process data can be analyzed. One of the lecturer’s own study serves as an example of what to avoid when launching a process-based case study.

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