
案例中心     2019-09-10

作        者:王洪伟   尹裴


案  例  库:中国工商管理国际案例库


摘        要:变化莫测的市场要求企业随机应变,根据客户需求调整策略。特别是,对制造型企业而言,为了适应市场变化,亟待借助信息化对供应链实施变革,从而降低库存成本,提高竞争力。本案例描述了S苏州工厂的供应链改革历程,以建设ERP系统为基础,实现供应商管理库存和准时制生产的管理模式。通过对供应链改革过程中遇到的问题进行讨论,表现出供应链管理的重要性以及实施变革的难度。S苏州工厂的供应链改革以失败告终,但是对于企业供应链改革应该注意的问题进行分析与总结,例如改革方案过度理想化、ERP实施与供应链的业务流程改造脱节、缺乏风险控制,忽略组织对变革的抵触、供应商流失等,值得思考和重视。本案例为制造型企业的供应链改革提供可借鉴的经验。

Abstract: The ever-changing market requires enterprises to adapt their strategies according to customer needs.In particular, for manufacturing enterprises, in order to adapt to market changes, it is urgent to implement the transformation of supply chain by means of informatization, so as to reduce inventory cost and improve competitiveness.This case describes the supply chain reform process of S suzhou factory. Based on the establishment of ERP system, it realizes the management mode of supplier managed inventory and just-in-time production.Through discussing the problems encountered in the process of supply chain reform, it shows the importance of supply chain management and the difficulty of implementing the reform.S suzhou factory supply chain reform ended in failure, but the problems to which attention should be paid for the reform of enterprise supply chain is analyzed and summarized, such as reform too idealistic, the implementation of ERP and supply chain business process transformation disconnect, the lack of risk control, ignore the organization for change of resistance, loss of suppliers, etc., is worth attention and reflection.This case provides some useful experience for the supply chain reform of manufacturing enterprises.

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