
案例中心     2020-09-24

作        者: 邵鲁宁,魏峰,王娇楠,张惠淼,肖梦月,李娜娜


案  例  库:中国工商管理国际案例库


摘        要:中国的移动互联网经过多年的快速发展,让各路创业者和投资人都为之疯狂,确定一个商业模式之后迅速融资、烧钱、赚取流量、再融资、再烧钱……然后,往往就没有然后了。2018年,越来越多的泡沫破裂了,曾经被认为遍地黄金的流量变现,到头来成了一地鸡毛。 作为线上与线下相结合的O2O(Online to Offline)模式,努力探索着如何将线上的流量价值转化为线下对等的商业价值,通过可持续的商业运营助力新的商业机会的开拓。爱回收就是这样一家企业,从一个小规模的互联网公司,逐渐发展到国内最大的二手电子产品交易平台。在考虑各种服务渠道和流量对接转化中,注重流量来源,更注重的是高品质的服务,转化好流量,在商业模式设计和创新中注重收支平衡,降低经营风险。

Abstract:After years of rapid development of China’s mobile Internet, entrepreneurs and investors are crazy about it. After determining a business model, they quickly raise money, burn money, earn traffic, refinance, and burn money again…Then, often there is no then.In 2018, more and more bubbles burst, and what was once thought to be a sea of gold turned into a sea of feathers.As an online-to-offline mode, it tries hard to explore how to transform the Online traffic value into the Offline equivalent business value, so as to promote the development of new business opportunities through sustainable business operation.Airecycling is such an enterprise, from a small Internet company, gradually developed into the largest second-hand electronic products trading platform in China.When considering various service channels and traffic docking and transformation, we should pay attention to the source of traffic, and pay more attention to high-quality service, and transform good traffic. In business model design and innovation, we should pay attention to balance income and expenditure, and reduce operational risks.

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