
案例中心     2020-09-21

作        者: 魏峰,肖梦月


案  例  库:中国工商管理国际案例库


摘        要:自2017年成立以来,叮咚买菜经过两年的高速发展,迅速在生鲜电商市场上站稳了脚跟。面对一大批产业资本的密集进入,站长短缺问题随之而来。创始人梁昌霖开始考虑是否要调整叮咚买菜现有的人才开发方案,以师徒制替代课程培训,来适应不断增长的人才需求。一方面,现有的课程培训方案难以达到迅速培养的预期效果,也存在培训后人才被大量挖角的潜在危机;而另一方面,师徒制方案虽然有助于站长的快速复制,但又有区域主管能力不足和动力不足的风险。两种方案各有利弊,很难简单判断哪种方案更能适应叮咚买菜的发展需要。叮咚买菜的人才开发探索将何去何从,一切都还需要时间的检验。

Abstract:Since its establishment in 2017, Ding Dong CAI has gained a firm foothold in the fresh e-commerce market after two years of rapid development.In the face of a large number of industrial capital into the intensive, the shortage of stationmaster followed.Liang Changlin, the founder, began considering whether to adjust Ding Dong CAI’s existing talent development program and replace course training with mentoring to meet the growing demand for talent.On the one hand, it is difficult for the current course training program to achieve the expected effect of rapid training, and there is also a potential crisis that a large number of talents will be poached after training.On the other hand, although the mentoring scheme is conducive to the rapid replication of the stationmaster, it is also at the risk of insufficient competence and motivation of the regional supervisors.The two schemes have their own advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to simply judge which one is more suitable for the development of Ding-dong.Ding-dong to buy vegetables talent development to explore what to do, everything still needs time to test.

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