
案例中心     2020-09-20

作        者: 闫淑敏,冯星瑗,江蕙伶,万田丽,谢显美


案  例  库:中国工商管理国际案例库


摘        要:随着中国经济发展进入新的历史时期,工业4.0、中国制造2025等对中国制造业企业,尤其是对民营制造业企业提出了向高质量发展转型升级的挑战。生产管理人员培训和整体素质的提升是传统民营企业转型成功的关键,CHT公司为生产管理人员设计了“五横五纵”模式的培训课程,然而在实施培训过程中发现培训转化率不高,员工对于培训的期望和真实培训内容不符并且难以将培训内容应用到工作实践中,因此在实施的过程中员工参与培训的积极性也因此逐步下降,这势必阻碍CHT公司的高质量发展以及转型升级的步伐。匡成作为培训经理,与同事加班加点,通过对计划的不断完善和对难点问题的重点攻克,最终通过运用Holton培训迁移模型构建出适合CHT公司的培训量表,用问卷调查的方式采访了企业员工并得出了影响企业员工培训迁移的因素。然而,CHT公司如何根据影响因素设计出更加有效的培训计划和课程?这个问题仍需得到解决。

Abstract:As China’s economic development enters a new historical period, Industry 4.0 and Made in China 2025 pose challenges for Chinese manufacturing enterprises, especially private manufacturing enterprises, to transform and upgrade to high-quality development.Production management personnel training and the improvement of overall quality is the key to the success of traditional private enterprise transformation, CHT company designed for the production management personnel “five horizontal five longitudinal” model of training courses, but found in the process of implement training training conversion rate is not high, the expectations of employees for training and real discrepant training content and difficult to apply the training content to work practice, so in the process of implementing the enthusiasm of employees to participate in training and therefore decline gradually, this will inevitably hinder the CHT high quality development of the company, as well as the pace of transformation and upgrading.As the training manager, Kuang Cheng worked overtime with colleagues. Through the continuous improvement of the plan and the focus on solving difficult problems, kuang Cheng finally constructed a training scale suitable for CHT by using Holton training transfer model, interviewed the employees of the company by means of questionnaire survey, and found out the factors affecting the training transfer of the employees.However, how can CHT design more effective training programs and courses based on influencing factors?This problem still needs to be solved.

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