
案例中心     2021-08-21

作        者:魏峰,吴寅,黄波,邵鲁宁


案  例  库:中国工商管理国际案例库


摘        要:本案例描述了GST公司在创立过程中寻找技术合伙人的曲折历程。作为一家定位在智能驾驶汽车电子领域的初创企业,GST公司的三位创始人敏锐地捕捉到了国内汽车雷达波产品的市场机遇,但是三人均为商务背景出身,缺乏相关专业技术让他们深感心有余而力不足。寻觅技术合伙人的道路坎坷曲折,一次用人不当让他们吞下苦果。几个问题萦绕在三位创业者脑海中——公司需要什么样的人?去哪里找人?如何判断是否找对了人?案例对于理解创业团队构成和组建过程的策略具有指导意义。

Abstract:This case describes the tortuous process of GST company looking for technical partners in the establishment process. As a start-up company positioned in the field of intelligent driving vehicle electronics, the three founders of GST keenly caught the market opportunity of domestic automotive radar products. However, they all came from a business background and lacked relevant professional technology, which made them feel that they were willing to do something but unable to do anything. The road to finding tech partners has been bumpy, and one bad hire has caught up with them. Several questions were on the minds of the three founders — what kind of people do companies need? Where to find people? How do you know if you’ve got the right person? The case has guiding significance for understanding the strategy of the formation and process of entrepreneurial team.

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