
案例中心     2019-11-28

作        者: 张艳霞,胡一竑,霍佳震


案  例  库:中国管理案例共享中心


摘        要:环境猫是云创大数据公司以数据采集终端为功能性目的,设计、开发的一款集地震预警、室内空气监测功能于一体的产品。本案例从环境猫的研发设计入手,探讨大数据企业布局从数据采集到数据应用的大数据产业链思路。希望通过本案例的讨论使学员了解大数据产业链的构成和以大数据企业以数据采集为目的的产品开发过程;理解数据资源对大数据行业的重要性;深入思考和分析大数据企业的商业模式选择。

Abstract:Environmental cat is designed and developed by cData—a high tech enterprise. It integrates the indoor air measurement function and earthquake early warning function, and aims to collect data for cData’s big data business. The intention of the development of environmental cat is discussed and also how cData layout in the big data industry chain. The aim of the case is to make participants know the structure of big data industry chain and the product development process aims at data collection. To make them understand the value of data in big data industry. And also try to lead to deep thinking and discussion in class about the business model choice of big data enterprises.

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