
案例中心     2021-10-23

作        者:李清海


案  例  库:中国工商管理国际案例库


摘        要:2020年疫情前,振华重工完成了全球布局。振华中东子公司是振华全球各子公司中规模最大的,成立于2011年,从初创时4个人发展到2020年疫情前的208人,营业额从数十万美元增长到2019年的数千万美元。20202月以来,新冠疫情在全球蔓延,中东地区是疫情最严重的地区之一。中东子公司的交机、售后、维修保养业务均受到影响。疫情导致断航、封路等限制后,振华自己的运输船、控制系统发挥了作用。中东子公司数年积累的良好声誉以及资源能力、多元化业务、客户资源、寄售配件制度等发挥了作用,起作用的还有中东各界对中国体制及中国企业的认可。中东除石油外,绝大多数商品和工业品需要进口,疫情不能封锁港口,所以港口的业务没有被停掉。振华中东子公司的业务不仅得以坚持,而且逆势增长,相对于2019年,2020年的营业额预计翻倍。然而,未来还有诸多挑战。

Abstract:By 2020, before the epidemic, Zhenhua Heavy Industry completed its global layout. Zhenhua Middle East subsidiary is the largest of zhenhua’s global subsidiaries. Founded in 2011, it has grown from 4 employees in its start-up to 208 employees before the EPIDEMIC in 2020, and its turnover has grown from hundreds of thousands of DOLLARS to tens of millions of dollars in 2019. Since February 2020, COVID-19 has spread across the world, with the Middle East being one of the most affected regions. The delivery, after-sales and maintenance services of the Middle East subsidiary have been affected. Zhenhua’s own transport vessels and control systems came into play after the outbreak led to restrictions such as air traffic and road closures. The good reputation, resource capacity, diversified business, customer resources and consignment parts system accumulated by the Middle East subsidiaries over the years play a role, as well as the recognition of The Chinese system and Chinese enterprises from all circles in the Middle East. With the exception of oil, most commodities and industrial products in the Middle East need to be imported. The epidemic cannot shut down ports, so operations at ports have not been suspended. The business of Zhenhua Middle East subsidiary has not only persisted, but also bucked the trend and grew. Compared with 2019, the turnover in 2020 is expected to double. However, many challenges lie ahead.

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