
案例中心     2018-12-22



案  例  库:中国管理案例共享中心


        要: 随着市场供给的增加,竞争压力的增大,酒店业界也积极进行管理和技术的创新,以最大限度保持酒店运营的质量与效益。作为中国排名前三的大型酒店集团,华住酒店集团尝试从物料的采购管理入手,借助其采购规模的优势,整合供应链上实物流、资金流、信息流,开拓供应链金融这一新的业务领域。本案例描述了华住集团的概况,采购管理的现状和华住新开发的云采购平台。希望通过这个案例的讨论使学生能够了解酒店行业采购管理的现状,理解采购管理的管理目标、核心决策,构建供应链合作伙伴关系的影响因素。掌握供应链核心企业实现供应链金融的基本要素。

Abstract:    Huazhu hotel group is one of the top 3 hotel group in China. In order to keep leading position and and high rate of return on investment of their stake holders, Huozhu group tries to step into a new market area—supply chain finance. They want to integer the material flow, information flow, and capital flow in their supply chain, and provide finance service to their middle or small suppliers. The case describes the state quo of Huazhu hotel group and how they purchase materials. The aim of this case is to make participants understand the status quo of purchasing in Chinese hotel industry. To make them understand the aim, the core decisions of purchasing management. To make them know how to build up partner-ship in supply chain. Show them the key elements of supply chain finance.


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