同济-新奥创新讲坛之二十一讲: 创业型大学与研究双元

时   间:6月21日(周四)下午2:00-4:00
地   点:四平路1239号同济大学综合楼302室
主   办:中国科技管理研究院 新奥集团
协   办:经济与管理学院
主持人:朱岩梅 同济大学中国科技管理研究院副院长、经济与管理学院副院长
题目: 创业型大学与研究双元





This paper develops the notion of research ambidexterity in the entrepreneurial universities. Two levels of research ambidexterity are further elaborated: department research ambidexterity and individual research ambidexterity. The antecedents and constructs of research ambidexterity (RA) and the influence of RA on overall research performance are examined. One of the major contributions of the paper is to analyze the multiple-level analysis between university antecedents, department RA and individual RA. Via a postal questionnaire survey, a dataset of university antecedents, entrepreneurial orientation, research ambidexterity and research performance from 634 faculty members, 99 departments, and 6 universities is collected. The results indicate that the university antecedents facilitate RA at the department and individual levels respectively, and RA increases the overall research performance. The paper concludes that developing RA should be regarded as multiple-level and dynamic interactions between at universities, departments and individuals. Some managerial and policy implications to develop RA in entrepreneurial universities are suggested.




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