Home > By Name > Associate Professor > Yichuan Hu
Yichuan Hu
Yichuan Hu

Associate Research Fellow

Research field: Corporate finance, International finance

Department of Economics and Finance

huyichuan175@gmail.com; ychu@tongji.edu.cn

2013 – 2018: Ph.D. in Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2009 – 2013: B.S. in Urban and Rural Planning and Resource Management, Peking University
2010 – 2013: B.S. in Economics (Double Major), Peking University


2022 – Present: Associate Research Fellow, School of Economics and Management, Tongji University
2018 – 2022: Assistant Professor, School of Economics, East China Normal University

Selected Publicatios

  1. Social embeddedness and supply chains: Doing business with friends versus making friends in business, with Haoyuan Ding, Han Jiang, Jing Wu and Yu Zhang. Production and Operations Management, 2023, 32: 2154-2172.
  2. Risk without strike: Nuclear crisis and corporate investment, with Chang Xue and Xiaoyu Zhou. European Economic Review, 2023. Forthcoming.
  3. Relationship-based debt financing of Chinese private sector firms: The role of social connections to banks versus political connections, with Haoyuan Ding, Kenneth Kim and Mi Xie. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2023, 102335.
  4. Brexit and global equity fund capital reallocation, with Xiang Gao, Huanhuan Wang and Xiaohu Wang. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2022, 125, 102639.
  5. Board interlock and the diffusion of corporate social responsibility among Chinese listed firms, with Haoyuan Ding, Xiyi Yang and Xiaoyu Zhou. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2022, 39,1287-1320.
  6. Dealing with dynamic endogeneity in international business research, with Haoyuan Ding, Jiatao Li and Guoguang Wan. Journal of International Business Studies, 2021, 52(3): 339-362.
  7. CEO country-specific experience and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, with Haoyuan Ding, Chang Li and Shu Lin. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021, 69: 102039.
  8. Labor costs and the adoption of robots in China, with Haichao Fan and Lixin Tang. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021, 186: 608-631.
  9. The impact of regional financial depth on outbound cross-border mergers and acquisitions, with Chang Li and Cong Qin. Journal of International Money and Finance, 2020, 104, 102181.
  10. War trauma and cross-border economic activities, with Chang Li and Chang Xue. China Economic Quarterly (in Chinese), 2023, 1: 371-388.
  11. Minimum wage and robots adoption: Differences in extensive margin and intensive margin, with Haichao Fan and Lixin Tang. 2022, China Economic Quarterly (in Chinese), Accepted.


Selected Grants
National Natural Science Foundation of China - The Youth Science Fund Project, 2023 – 2025, Host

Teaching Experience
Advanced econometrics, Financial markets

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