工商管理系讲座:How to get your case research published?如何发表案例性研究?

主题:   How to get your case research published?



演讲者: 卫田博士,复旦大学管理学院企业管理系副教授


时 间: 612日星期五下午 1:30-5:30


地 点:同济大厦A404会议室


讲座简介: One of the longest running mysteries in case study research is that, scholars’ appetite for qualitative studies should remain high, especially for Chinese scholars, even though publication is faced with likely prospect that high failure rates will remain elusive, and so disappointing the passion of scholars. This research seminar makes efforts to resolve this problem from restating the philosophical foundations, elaborating diversified research approaches, discussing the structure of paper drafting, and responding to reviewers’ comments. Suggestions for learning case study research will also be offered at the end of this seminar.


演讲者简介: 卫田博士,复旦大学管理学院企业管理系副教授。剑桥大学管理学博士(2012),清华大学工学硕士(2007),清华大学工学学士(2005)。美国管理学会(AOM)和国际商务学会(AIB)会员。研究领域包括:跨国并购、中国企业全球化及研究方法, International Business ReviewJournal of International Management、以及Thunderbird International Business Review等多个国际期刊(SSCI)上发表多篇研究论文。目前在复旦大学开设定性研究方法系列讲座(共十讲)


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