经济与金融系学术报告:Tariff cooperation in free trade areas

主  题:Tariff cooperation in free trade areas

主讲人:Joseph Mai(麦嘉聪),加拿大约克大学博士




This paper develops a model of endogenous trade policy formation to study the impact of preferential trade agreements(PTA) on member’s external trade policies when members internalize the intra-bloc welfare effects. This model is empirically tested using global trade data covering 170 countries and 177 PTAs established between in 1988 and 2011. This paper finds empirical evidence of tariff cooperation between members of FTAs. Using three different measures of political relations (the affinity scores from the UN General Assembly Voting Data, dyad alliances data, and bilateral events and interactions data), we show that members with good political relation cooperate more on external tariff policy after formation of FTAs. On average, an increase in market share of PTA partners’ firms by one standard deviation is associated with about 3 percentage points increase in external tariff in industries that matter for intra-bloc members.





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