

主 题: 如何进行访谈性定性研究



时 间:2015年12月3日(星期四)10:00-12:00

地 点:同济大厦 A楼 507会议室


Designing, conducting, and analyzing data from qualitative research interviews.

This talk aims to provide the audience with a practical guide to qualitative interview studies in health services and policy research. It builds on the recent experience of Dr. Yuhua Bao and colleagues with a qualitative research interview study to identify policy issues in improving depression care in home health care. A total of 20 interviews were conducted with directors, team supervisors, and nurses at 5 home health agencies in 5 different states. The presentation will provide an overview of purposes and methods of qualitative research; it will then use the home health study to demonstrate the process of designing and conducting qualitative interviews and of analyzing qualitative data (including using qualitative data analysis software to assist in the coding and identification of themes).

鲍毓华,康奈尔大学医学院医疗服务政策研究系副教授,精神科合聘副教授;兰德公司研究生院政策分析博士,阿拉巴马大学经济学硕士,复旦大学经济学学士。从事卫生经济学与医疗政策研究,主要领域:精神卫生和全科医疗服务整合的保险支付和绩效评估;处方药物保险和监管政策以及医生处方行为对精神类及痛症药物使用的影响;改善老年病患在居家医疗期间精神卫生服务的质量和效果;晚期癌症患者化疗的效果和对生活质量的影响及相关政策。擅长卫生经济学定量研究。也采用定量和定性相结合的混合研究方法。在美国主要医学,医疗卫生服务,卫生经济学期刊,如JAMA Psychiatry, JAMA Oncology, Health Services Research,Journal of General Internal Medicine,Medical Care,发表数十篇论文。主持或参加美国国家健康研究院及其它机构资助的多项课题,多次受邀担任美国联邦政府健康研究基金的课题评审专家。曾在兰德公司,洛杉矶加州大学医学院,北卡大学夏洛特分校从事研究教学。



Ph.D., The RAND Graduate School, 2003

M.A., University of Alabama, 1998

B.A., Fudan University (China), 1997 




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