

题目1:The Causal Effects of Margin Trading and Short Selling on Earnings Management: A Natural Experiment from China 


主持人:王国俊 助理教授 



主持人:钟宁桦  副教授、博导 


地点:同济大学A楼305 会议室(四平路1500号) 


顾明,中国人民大学汉青研究院助理教授,罗格斯大学金融博士。他的研究领域包括市场异常,盈余管理, 公司治理以及中国资本市场。他曾在美国金融年会(AFA), 欧洲金融年会(EFA)等知名学术会议宣讲他的研究。顾明老师在中国人民大学主讲资产定价和投资组合等课程。 

Shujing Wang is currently a visiting scholar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and an Assistant Professor at Shanghai Finance University.  She received her bachelor’s degree from Peking University and a PhD degree from University of Rochester both in Physical Chemistry.  She received her PhD in Finance from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2014. Her main research interests are theoretical and empirical asset pricing, with a focus on understanding the cross-sectional determinants of asset returns. Her studies range from equity, bond, and option pricing in western financial markets to asset valuation in Chinese markets. She also works on several corporate finance topics, including structural modeling of corporate investment and financing policies, corporate liquidity management under uncertainty, and the information content of payout policies for credit risk.


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