【工商管理系学术讲座】The Internationalization of SMEs: An Incremental Process?


Title: The Internationalization of SMEs: An Incremental Process?

Speaker: Professor Noémie Dominguez and Professor Ulrike Mayrhofer

Date: 7th March, 2pm – 4.30pm

Venue: Room 308, Tongji Building A


SMEs increasingly attempt to accelerate and diversify their international expansion strategies. The purpose of this article is to contribute to a better understanding of the internationalization process followed by SMEs to seize global market opportunities. Using the Uppsala model and born global approach, the authors analyze the internationalization paths of French SMEs operating in traditional manufacturing industries. The empirical study takes the form of five case-studies and is based on 66 interviews. The results indicate that the internationalization process of SMEs continues to follow different stages, but that it is not linear and incremental. The different stages, which are initiated by critical incidents, reflect characteristics of both the Uppsala model and the born global approach.

Short Bio:


Noémie Dominguez is an Associate Professor of International Business at IAE Lyon School of Management, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, and Director of the Master 1 program “International Business Realities”. Her research activities focus on the areas of strategy, international management, entrepreneurship and SME internationalization. She co-directs – with Ulrike Mayrhofer – a Research Chair on SME internationalization.


Ulrike Mayrhofer is a Full Professor of International Business at IAE Lyon School of Management, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University. She is the Vice-Dean for Corporate Relations, the Academic Director of the International MBA and President of the Atlas AFMI network – Association Francophone de Management International. Her research concerns the topics of internationalization strategies, multinational companies, alliances, mergers and acquisitions. She has published 10 books and 60 articles in academic journals such as European Management Review, International Business Review and Journal of International Marketing.


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