【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】The Redemption and Post-Promotional Effects of E-coupons: A Field Experiment


题  目:The Redemption and Post-Promotional Effects of E-coupons: A Field Experiment

主讲人:Yuliang  Yao, (Lehigh University)

时  间:2017年6月15日 上午10:00- 12:00

地  点: 同济大厦A楼206教室 


Electronic coupons (e-coupons) are the digital counterpart of traditional print coupons, which have already gained much popularity with the rise of e-commerce. In this paper, we investigate the redemption and post-promotional effects of e-coupons by performing a field experiment on a large classified ads website in China. We find that, the possibility of e-coupon redemption significantly increases as the face value climbs. Also, compared to users without prior purchases (free users), those with prior purchases (paid users) are more likely to redeem e-coupons. And more interestingly, because the e-coupons in our experiment are designed to be product-specific, we further discover that, among paid users, those with prior purchases of the product specified in e-coupons have a higher redemption tendency than those only with prior purchases of other products. Regarding the post-promotional effects, we first examine the influence of e-coupons on users’ post-promotional purchases of the product specified (direct effect), and then other products (spillover effect) by using a difference-in-difference method. Particularly, the influences of both coupon drop and redemption are examined and compared in this paper. For direct effect, coupon redemption is found to exert significant impact on users’ post-promotional purchases, while the impact of coupon drop is very marginal. And for spillover effect, the impact of coupon redemption remains significantly positive, while that of coupon drop turns out to be negative. Both purchase rate and amount are tested to ensure the robustness of our results. Implications and limitations are also discussed. 


Yuliang Yao is the George N. Beckwith '32 professor and chair of the Department of Management at College of Business & Economics of Lehigh University, and a visiting professor at the School of Economics and Management of Tongji University. His research interests are at the inter-disciplinary fields of information systems and supply chain management, including business value of IT-enabled supply chains, economics of electronic commerce, social networks, and VMI, CPFR and CRM. His publications have appeared in Management Science, Marketing Science, Information Systems Research, Journal of Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences, Supply Chain Management Review, etc. He received the E. Grovesnor Plowman Award from CSCMP in 2007, a prestigious award in the SCM field, and received the 2009 and 2015 Carl R. and IngeborgBeidleman Research Award which highlights quality research and refereed scholarship in business and applied economic disciplines at Lehigh.


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