【工商管理系学术讲座】Product complexity on drug approval: A regulatory agency perspective


题目: Product complexity on drug approval: A regulatory agency perspective.

演讲人: 吴思斌

时间: 2017年6月29日14:00–17:00

地点: 同济大厦A楼308教室

讲座语言: 英语


Management of the business-government relationship is critical for firm performance or survival, especially in regulated industries. In this paper, we extend the research in this field by examining the effect of product complexity and strategic alliance on drug approval. Based on regulatory agency perspective, we propose there is a positive relationship between product complexity and the time to approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Moreover, we argue that the association between product complexity and the time to approval is contingent on strategic alliances of the focal firm. Our hypotheses are supported by our analysis. The findings have important implications to lowering the information asymmetry between the focal firm and regulatory agencies. 


吴思斌,威斯康星大学(University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)管理科学博士,现为德克萨斯大学大河谷校园(University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley)管理学系主任,终身教授,博士生导师. 吴思斌教授的主要研究领域是创业学和战略管理学,已出版两本著作,二十多篇学术论文已被收录在世界顶级管理学杂志美国管理学刊Academy of Management Journal,Journal of Business Research, International Business Review,Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences和 Information & Management等匿名评审的学术刊物上。他参加过很多重要的国际会议并宣读几十篇文章。其中他和他博士生合作的论文在2015年美国小型企业及创业学会(United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship-USASBE)的年会上获得John Jack最佳论文奖。


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