
题 目:  上工申贝的国际化征程

报告人:  张 敏 



时 间:  2017年7月11日  上午09:00–11:00

地 点:  同济大厦A楼308教室

语 言:  汉语

摘 要:  上工申贝源自1965年的国营缝纫机企业,在计划经济时代,曾有过辉煌。然而,从1997年开始,受外资和民营企业夹击,业绩开始下滑。从2005年开始,上工申贝开始了跨国并购、国际化运营,至2016年,在中国重回行业首位,并跃居全球第二。张敏董事长与您分享并讨论:上工申贝如何通过借助跨国并购实现凤凰涅磐?如何化解跨国并购中的各种危机?

Lecture of Case Centre

Topic:  Internationalization of ShangGong Group

Speaker:  Mr. Min ZHANG

Chairman of the Board and CEO

Time:  09:00–11:00 on July 11, 2017

Place:  Room 308, Tongji Building A


ShangGong Group, which stemmed from a state-owned sewing machine enterprise in 1965, had a glorious history in times of planned economy. It started cross-border mergers and acquisitions and internationalization in 2005. In 2016, ShangGong regained the first place in sewing machines industry in China and rose to top 2 worldwide. Mr. Min ZHANG will share with you: How has ShangGong Group revitalized itself by means of M&A? How did ShangGong resolve crisis after M&A?


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