


题目:The Inference of Time Effect on the Location of Manufacturing Enterprises: Evidence from China

主讲人:张丽华 副教授



Abstract:  Expressway construction has been one of the most influential infrastructure projects in modern China. At the same time it is quite expensive to use. However, we still observe manufacturing enterprises’ location around expressway nods in a large degree. Traditional theories could hardly explain this phenomenon. This paper introduces the concept of “time effect” into the explanation of this situation in China. We broaden the traditional distance-based and direct fee-based understanding of transportation cost in manufacturer’s location decision into both a comprehensive cost consideration as well as the possible revenue added to the manufacturer by using expressway. We construct a theoretical model to explain our theoretical arguments and uses micro-level data of China to tests our hypothesis. Results show that the time effect of expressway transportation has significant positive impact on the number of new manufacturer at the city level through the mechanism of reducing comprehensive costs and increasing revenue. We also use several instrumental variables to check the robustness of our basic results. Further analysis points out that manufacturers care more about the accessibility to big cities and the number of cities that could be reached within nine hours’ drive through expressway.





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