


题目:How Internal Migration Spreads the Effects of Exports on Labor Demand Across in China



This paper examines the local labor market effects of rising exports in China by exploiting cross-regional variations in export exposure. In contrast to studies of the effects of Chinese exports on local labor markets in the US (Autor, Dorn, and Hanson 2013) and other advanced countries which treat local areas as isolated, this study treats local labor markets in China as connected through huge inter-regional mobility. Export demand shocks raise employment and earnings in some regions, while migration spreads those affects across the whole country. The result is a larger impact of trade on employment in high trade exposure areas primarily from rural China and the spread of export-demand driven wage increases to source areas of migration. The analysis deals with the potential endogeneity of area export growth due to local economic policies by instrumenting changes in Chinese exports on the contemporaneous export growth of low- and middle- income South Asian countries. The IV estimates are sufficiently similar to OLS estimates to suggest that the export-driven demand and migration story captures most of China's adjustment to its entry into the global trading system.


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