【2018年3月20日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】The Value of IT Capability in Different Governance Mechanisms of Buyer-Supplier Relationships: A Multi-Method Research


题目:The Value of IT Capability in Different Governance Mechanisms of Buyer-Supplier Relationships: A Multi-Method Research

主讲人:刘和福 (中国科学技术大学管理学院教授,国家“优秀青年基金”获得者)

时间:2018年3月20日 下午2:00 – 3:30

地点: 同济大厦A楼206教室  


The purpose of this paper is to investigate how contract and relational governance moderate the relationship between information technology (IT) capability and buyer-supplier collaborative performance (BSCP), and how such relationships evolve over time in response to collaboration in buyer-supplier relationships (BSRs). This study adopts both the empirical method and simulation method. The cross-sectional data reveal that relational governance strengthens the positive relationship between IT capability and BSCP, while contract governance weakens this relationship. The longitudinal modeling finds that contract governance is superior to relational governance regarding to the value creation of IT capability. However, the advantage created by contract governance shrinks as the collaboration proceeds, finally turning to disadvantage in comparison to the situation in relational governance. 


刘和福博士,中国科学技术大学管理学院教授,国家“优秀青年基金”获得者。SSCI期刊Information Technology & People和 Electronic Commerce Research and Applications副主编(Associate Editor)。研究领域包括IT价值创造、数字化商业模式、全渠道管理等。已主持国家自然科学基金3项。在UTD商学院24种期刊的Journal of Operations Management发表论文2篇。另有超过30多篇的论文被接受或发表在SCI/SSCI期刊,如Information and Management, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Production Research等。论文已被Google学术引用1000多次, SCI/SSCI引用200多次。


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