【2018年4月27日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】Individual Decisions and Product Diffusion Models


题  目:Individual Decisions and Product Diffusion Models

主讲人:马君岭(Junling Ma)维多利亚大学数学与统计系副教授

时  间:2018年4月27日 上午10:30-12:00

地  点: 同济大厦A楼308教室 


Abstract: Product diffusions models, such as generalized Bass models, incorporate individual buying decisions represented by utility functions. However, product diffusion processes emerge naturally from individual decisions. In this talk, we derive product diffusion models from utility functions, and compare the resulting models with classical ones. We show that, for simple assumptions such as a single product with constant price, even though the product diffusion may not agree with generalized Bass models, the demand curve agrees with classical results. But with time varying prices and competing products, the demand curves do not agree with classical results. Thus, for optimal pricing of such product, the diffusion process cannot be neglected. 


马君岭(Junling Ma)维多利亚大学数学与统计系副教授,2003年博士毕业于普林斯顿大学,师从生物数学家Simon Levin院士,长期从事社会网络、信息传播、疾病建模和控制方面的研究,等方面的研究工作,已经在Nature Communications,Bulletin of Mathematical Biology等杂志发表20多篇论文。


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