【2018年5月29日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】Making Digital Innovation Happen: A CIO Issue Selling Perspective


题  目:Making Digital Innovation Happen: A CIO Issue Selling Perspective

主讲人:Daniel Qi Chen (德克萨斯基督教大学Neeley商学院教授;UTD国际顶级期刊Journal of Operations Management、Decision Sciences Journal副主编)

时  间:2018年5月29日 13:30-15:00

地  点:同济大厦A楼308教室 


Despite the consensus that CIOs are responsible for organizational IT strategy, theoretical basis for and empirical findings to examining how CIOs could lead their organizations to kick off strategic IT initiatives are surprisingly limited. Whereas prior CIO literature has emphasized the importance of structural power for CIOs to make strategic impacts to their organizations, empirical findings supporting the argument are scarce. Drawing upon the theory of issue selling, the current study examines CIO upward influential behavior. In particular, we propose that it is the CIO’s issue selling capability, rather than his/her structural power, that directly influences the level of organizational digital innovation initiatives. Furthermore, this direct impact could be amplified or dampened by two closely related contextual cues: the CIO’s structural power and senior business executives’ strategic IT knowledge.  In addition, we identify four enabling forces of CIO issue selling capability: 1) organizational support, 2) CIO/TMT partnership, 3) CIO IT-related strategic knowledge, and 4) CIO political savvy. The research hypotheses are largely supported by matched-pair data collected from business and IT executives of 155 organizations. The findings of the study suggest that the issue selling perspective offers a complementary (to upper echelon theory) but powerful theoretical lens to examine CIO strategic impacts.  

Keywords: Issue selling, CIO leadership, IT-enabled innovation, digital innovation, IT strategy 


Daniel Qi Chen is a Full Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management of the M.J. Neeley School of Business at Texas Christian University, U.S.A. He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Georgia and also holds an M.B.A degree from Washington University in St. Louis. Professor Chen has combined years of industrial experiences in entrepreneurship, supply chain management, and management consulting in U.S.A. and China before entering the academic field. 

Professor Chen’s research addresses the overall question of how information systems (i.e., technological and human resources) can improve organizational decision making at both the strategic and operational levels. In particular, his interests lie across the areas of Strategic Management, Supply Chain Management, and IT-enabled Innovation Management, including the topics of strategic impacts of organizational resources, supply chain integration and innovation, the role and value of IS leadership especially at the CIO level. His research has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous premier management journals such as Decision Sciences Journal, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management, MIS Quarterly, MIS Quarterly Executive, among others. 

Dr. Chen is an Associate Editor of Decision Sciences Journal and Journal of Operations Management. He also serves on the editorial board of IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management.


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