【2018年05月28日】【案例中心/MBA中心 系列讲座】如何有效融合案例开发与案例教学?

主  题: 如何有效融合案例开发与案例教学?

主讲人: 魏小军  博士  教授


时  间: 2018年05月28日 (周一) 14:00 – 16:30

地  点: 同济大厦A楼309室


  • 麦科文(MacEwan)大学商学院副院长、亚太研究院院长

  • 11篇案例入选毅伟案例库,出版2本案例专著,其中有4篇案例入选国外知名教材

  • 2014年与Beamish教授合作出版《毅伟商学院精品案例》

  • Chinese management studies (SSCI)和Emerald Emerging Markets Cases期刊副主编

  • 曾从事毅伟商学院亚洲案例的修订工作,并主持了加拿大对中国直接投资的研究,创立了外商直接投资偏移理论



Lecture of Case Centre/MBA Centre 

Title: How to Integrate Case Development and Case Teaching?

Speaker:  Prof. Dr. William X. Wei

Time: 14:00–16:30,May 28, 2018

Place: Room 309, Tongji Building A

Language:  Chinese


With his 11 Ivey cases, Prof. Wei introduces faculty and students to the excitement and exhilaration of case learning and teaching, giving them key insights into the case method. Prof. Wei will share his experiences in following aspects: how case methods are used in leading business schools, how to publish cases with Ivey effectively, how to make the classroom come alive, how to create a case teaching plan, how to cope with challenges when writing cases.


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