【2018年5月29日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】Emerging Topics in Global Operations and How to Publish in Top Journals

题  目:Emerging Topics in Global Operations and How to Publish in Top Journals

主讲人:Jeannette Song 宋京生 (Fuqua School of Business,Duke University)


时  间:2018年5月29日 14:00-15:00

地  点:同济大厦A楼305教室



This talk will discuss several emerging topics arising in global operations, such as socially responsible operationssupply chain finance3D printing, and big data. I will also share my perspective and experience in publishing in top journals. To better explain the background and experience, I will discuss some of my own papers.




Jing-Sheng (Jeannette) Song is the R. David Thomas Professor of Business Administration and a Professor of Operations Management at the Fuqua School of business, Duke University. She studies supply chain management and operations strategy, topics including supply chain inventory planning, joint inventory and pricing decisions, disruption management, global sourcing strategies, supplier management, and socially responsible operations. She has published over 60 articles in leading international academic journals such as Management Science and Operations Research.


Professor Song is an INFORMS Fellow and a fellow and former President of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society. She is a recipient of the Distinguished Overseas Young Scholar Award (海外杰出青年)by the Natural Science Foundation of China . She is an Overseas Expert of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (中国科学院海外评审专家). 


Professor Song serves and has served on the editorial boards of several leading academic journals, including Area Editor for Operations Research and Department Editor for IIE Transactions. In 2014, she received the MSOM Distinguished Service Award for her many contributions to the society. In 2017, she also received the Outstanding Contribution Award from the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE).



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