- 2008.09-2012.07 香港科技大学 土木与环境工程系; 博士 (导师:杨海 讲座教授)
- 2012.02-2012.07 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 土木与环境工程系 访问博士生(指导老师:欧阳严峰 教授)
- 2004.09-2008.07 中国科技大学 安全科学与工程系 工学学士
- 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,72022013,即时出行下的城市交通管理,2021.01-2023.12,在研,主持
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,71974146,考虑私家车共乘模式的城市交通系统建模、分析与优化,2020.01-2023.12,在研,主持
- 国家自然科学基金国际合作研究项目,72061127003, 突发及特殊事件下的多模式公共交通系统应急管理研究,2020.04-2023.03,在研,子课题负责人
- 香港RGC项目,16222916,How is e-hailing reshaping the taxi industry? 2016.01-2018.12,结题,Co-Investigator
- 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,71401102,电召与扬召混合招车模式下的出租车市场建模、分析与优化,2015.01-2017.12,结题,主持
- 国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金项目,7142800004,PM2.5污染与区域及城市交通、物流管理理论研究--多尺度城市交通及尾气污染综合建模与量化分析 ,2015.01-2016.12,结题,参与(国内负责人)
- Liu, W.*, Zhang, F., Wang, X.L., Shao, C.Y., Yang, H., 2022. Unlock the Sharing Economy: the Case of the Parking Sector for Recurrent Commuting Trips. Transportation Science 56(2), 338–357.
- Wang, J., Wang, X.L.*, Yang, S., Yang, H., Zhang, X.N. and Gao, Z.Y., 2021. Predicting the matching probability and ride/shared distance for each dynamic ridepooling order: A mathematical modeling approach. Transportation Research Part B 154, 125-146.
- Wang, X.L., Wang, J., Guo, L.*, Liu, W., Zhang X.N., 2021. A Convex Programming Approach for Ridesharing User Equilibrium Under Fixed Driver/Rider Demand. Transportation Research Part B 149, 33-51.
- Wang, X.L.*, Liu, W., Yang, H., Wang, D., Ye, J.P., 2020. Customer behavioural modelling of order cancellation in coupled ride-sourcing and taxi markets. Transportation Research Part B 132, 358-378.
- Jian S., Liu, W.*, Wang, X.L., Yang, H., Travis Waller, S. 2020. On integrating carsharing and parking sharing services. Transportation Research Part B 142, 19-44.
- Zhang, F., Liu, W.*, Wang, X.L, Yang, H., 2020. Parking sharing problem with spatially distributed parking supplies. Transportation Research Part C 117, 102676.
- Wang, X.L*, Yang, H., Zhu, D., 2018. Driver-Rider Cost-Sharing Strategies and Equilibria in a Ridesharing Program. Transportation Science 52(4):868-881.
- He, F.*, Wang, X.L., Lin, X., Tang, X.D., 2018. Pricing and penalty/compensation strategies of a taxi hailing platform. Transportation Research Part C 86,263-279.
- Zhang, F., Liu, W.*, Wang, X., Yang, H., 2017, July. A new look at the morning commute with household shared-ride: How does school location play a role?. Transportation Research Part E 103, 198-217.
- Wang, X.L.*, He, F., Yang, H., Gao, H. O. 2016, Sep. Pricing strategies for a taxi-hailing platform. Transportation Research Part E 93, 212-231.
- Wang, X.L.*, Ye, H., and Yang, H. 2015, Nov. Decentralizing Pareto-efficient network flow/speed patterns with hybrid schemes of speed limit and road pricing. Transportation Research Part E 83, 51-64.
- Zhu, D.L.*, Li, C.M., Yang, H. and Wang, X.L., 2015, Aug. Properties of the multiclass traffic network equilibria under a tradable credit scheme. Transportation Science 49(3), 519-534.
- Wang, X.L.*, Yang, H., Han, D. and Liu W., 2014, Oct. Trial and error method for optimal tradable credit schemes: The network case. Journal of Advanced Transportation 48, 685-700.
- Yang, H.*, Liu, W., Wang, X.L.,and Zhang X., 2013, Dec. On the morning commute problem with bottleneck congestion and parking space constraints. Transportation Research Part B 58, 106-118.
- Wang, X.L.*, Ouyang, Y., Yang, H and Bai Y., 2013, Nov. Optimal biofuel supply chain design under consumption mandates with Renewable Identification Numbers. Transportation Research Part B 57, 158-171.
- Yang, H.*, Wang, X.L. and Yin, Y.F., 2012, Dec. The impact of speed limit on network equilibrium and system performance. Transportation Research Part B 46 (10), 1295–1307.
- Wang, X.L. and Yang, H.,* 2012, Nov. Bisection based trial-and-error implementation of marginal cost pricing and tradable credit scheme. Transportation Research Part B 46(9), 1085-1096.
- Wang, X.L.*, Yang, H., Zhu, D.L. and Li, C.M., 2012. Tradable travel credits for congestion management with heterogeneous users. Transportation Research Part E 48(2), 426-437.
- Yang, H.* and Wang, X.L., 2011. Managing network mobility with tradable credits. Transportation Research Part B 45 (3), 580-594.
- Wang, X.L.*, Yang, H. and Han, D., 2010. Traffic rationing and short-term and long-term equilibrium. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Record 2196, 131-141.
- Han, D.*, Yang, H. and Wang, X.L., 2010. Efficiency of the plate-number-based traffic rationing in general networks. Transportation Research Part E 46 (6), 1095–1110.
- Wang S.Y., Wang X.L. Optimizing ex ante pricing strategies for dynamic ridepooling service. Submitted to the 25th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT25).
- Yang C., Wang X.L., Feng Y.Z. A Prediction-Based Forward-Looking Vehicle Dispatching Strategy for Dynamic Ridepooling Service. Available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4344678
- Su H., Wang X.L., Liu W., Zhang X.N., Xu M. Modelling and improving the passenger evacuation process in a bi-modal system with bus and e-hailing modes after mass gathering events. Submitted to Travel Behaviour and Society.
- Yang S., Feng Y.Z., Wang X.L. Designing a Forward-looking Probabilistic Matching Policy for Dynamic Ridepooling Services.
- 2020.12 至今 同济大学经济与管理学院 教授
- 2019.03 – 2020.12 同济大学经济与管理学院 副教授
- 2016.01 – 2019.01 上海交通大学中美物流研究院 副研究员
- 2012.12 – 2015.12 上海交通大学中美物流研究院 助理研究员
- 2012.09 – 2012.11 香港科技大学 土木与环境工程系 高级研究助理
- 2013年 香港科技大学 SENG PhD Excellent Research Award 获得者
- 2007年 中国科技大学 郭沫若奖学金获得者