【2019年6月5日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】Recent developments of two-stage stochastic variational inequalities


题目:Recent developments of two-stage stochastic variational inequalities





The stochastic variational inequality (SVI) provides a unified form of optimality conditions of stochastic optimization and stochastic games which have wide applications in science, engineering, economics, and finance. In the recent two decades, one-stage SVI has been studied extensively and widely used in modelling equilibrium problems under uncertainty. Moreover, the recently proposed two-stage SVI and multistage SVI can be applied to the case when the decision makers want to make decisions at different stages in a stochastic environment. The two-stage SVI is a foundation of multistage SVI, which is to find a pair of “here-and-now” solution and “wait-and-see” solution. In this talk we will give recent developments in analysis, algorithms and applications of the two-stage SVI.


孙海琳,南京师范大学数学科学学院副教授。2007年毕业于吉林大学数学学院并获统计学学士,2013年7月毕业于哈尔滨工业大学数学系并获理学博士学位。在其博士期间,他在英国南安普顿大学联合培养2年,在香港理工大学联合培养1年。2013年7月至2018年10月在南京理工大学任教。2015年12月至2018年1月在香港理工大学应用数学系做博士后研究。在Math. Program., SIAM J. Optim., Math. Oper. Res.等国际权威期刊发表了13篇论文,曾获中国运筹学会青年科技奖、江苏省数学会数学成就奖、哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士论文。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年基金项目和江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目各一项。多次应邀赴境内外进行学术交流和学术合作。


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