
题目: EndNote在学术论文写作中的应用  

演讲人: 王伟副教授,华侨大学





As a researcher, we are constantly juggling different roles, dealing with competing demands on our time, and coordinating not only our activities in publishing research but also those of our collaborators–around the department and around the world. EndNote is the reference management software that not only frees us from the tedious work of manually collecting and curating our research materials and formatting bibliographies, but also gives us greater ease and control in coordinating with colleagues. In this talk, we will discuss how to use Endnote to manage your literatures and improve writing efficiency.



Wei Wang, PhD, is an associate professor at the Department of Information Management, College of Business Administration,at Hua qiao University.His research interests include crowdfunding,sentiment analysis, text analysis, and electronic commerce. His work has appeared in academic journals including Computers in Human Behavior, Behaviour & Information Technology, Industrial Management & Data Systems,Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, NewReview of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Management World (China), Journal of Management Sciences in China, Systems Engineering—Theory & Practice, Studies in Science of Science, among others.


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