【2019年7月15日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】面向阿尔兹海默患者的深度学习模型及诊断服务 Patient-centered Deep Learning Model and Diagnosis Service for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease



Patient-centered Deep Learning Model and Diagnosis

Service for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease





Because pharmaceutical companies have failed to develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cure and treatment as of today, AD early detection and intervention becomes increasingly clear to be the best choice of improving quality of life for persons with AD at least in the near future. Thus, developing patient-centric predictive models and enabling self-diagnosis services are of great potential. This talk presents how recurrent neuron neatwork (RNN) models can be adopted in the AD early diagnosis modeling (AD-EDM). In particular, we show that the improved prediction accuracy of RNN AD-EDM can contribute to the delivery of self-diagnosis services for preclinical/early AD patients. By leveraging the fast development of big data technologies and machine learning methods, our AD-EDM tools will make a difference in discovering non-pharmacologic therapy solutions to slow AD progression.


Robin Qiu holds a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and a Ph.D. (minor) in Computer Science both from The Pennsylvania State University (graduated in 1996), where he is currently Director of Big Data Lab and Professor of Information Science. He is Chair of the INFORMS Section on Service Science. He has had over 160 peer-reviewed publications, including 3 books. He is on the advisory board of Service Science and serves as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Service Science and the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics. He founded and served as General co-Chair of the 2009 INFORMS International Conference on Service Science. He founded the annual IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI) and served as its General co-Chair from 2005 to 2008. He also co-founded the bi-annual IEEE International Conference on Grey Systems and Intelligent Service in 2007. He was also the founding chair of the Logistics and Services Technical Committee, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society and the founding chair of Service Science Section of the INFORMS. His research interests include Big Data, Data Analytics, Smart Service Systems, Service Science, Service Operations and Management, Information Systems, and Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management.


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