【2019年9月19日】【管理科学与工程系学术讲座】分析门户港腹地的时空演化:上海案例研究 Analyzing the spatial-temporal evolution of a gateway’s hinterland: A case study of Shanghai, China



Analyzing the spatial-temporal evolution of a gateway’s hinterland:A case study of Shanghai, China

演讲人:罗梅丰, 副教授,香港理工大学




This paper analyzes the spatial–temporal evolution of the attractiveness of a country’s gateway for its international trade, using Shanghai as an example. The attractiveness is regressed on the transportation facilities and geographical conditions. Seaport development is found to have a major positive impact, followed by inland waterway, highway, and airport development. These positive impacts decrease with the need for highway haulage and with the distance from Shanghai—showing an inverse U-shape distribution. Rail appears to have a U-shape distribution, implying a low application of multimodal transportation. A geographical pattern for the impacts of different transportation modes is delineated.

This paper is published at Transportation Research Part E. 


Dr. Meifeng Luo obtained his Bachelor degree in Marine Science from Tong Ji University, MSc. in World Maritime University, MSc. in Computer Science and PhD. in Economics from University of Rhode Island, USA. He is now an Associate Professor of Maritime Studies in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests include shipping and port economics, environment, policy and management. In the recent 10 years, he has published around 50 papers at SCI/SSCI journals including Transportation Research Part B, A, E; Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Maritime Policy and Management, Safety Science, Transportmetrica Part A, Marine Policy, Transport Policy, Ecological Economics, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics. He is also an Associate Editor for Maritime Policy and Management: The flagship journal for international shipping and port research, as well as the Director of PolyU Maritime Library and R&D Center.


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