【2020年10月28日】【组织管理系(筹)学术讨论会】Just gossip; nothing consequential, or is it?

题目: Just gossip; nothing consequential, or is it?

演讲人: 闫佳祺,同济大学经济与管理学院博士生





Workplace gossip is ubiquitous and leader humor is highly valued. Based on cognitive evaluation theory, we reason that perceived negative workplace gossip and leader humor provide informal yet important social cues to jointly affect employees’ job insecurity and subjective career success. We test such reasoning empirically with three-wave surveys of 335 employees from a large Chinese information technology company. Our results show that gossip and leader humor, which may appear to be inconsequential to some, do matter in the workplace in terms of job insecurity and career success.


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在《南开管理评论》,《科学学研究》,《运筹与管理》,《管理评论》,《管理学报》,Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, International Journal of Manpower, Asian Business & Management等杂志发表论文20余篇。撰写《管理与组织研究常用的60个理论》之社会传染理论。担任Human Relations, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Manpower, Asian Business & Management, 《中国人力资源开发》等杂志匿名审稿人。曾荣获第6届中国人力资源管理论坛优秀论文奖,中国冶金教育学会优秀学位论文、本/硕/博国家奖学金(2012, 2016, 2018, 2019)等奖励。




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