

How Can Platform Compete in Omni-channel Retailing? Considering the Role of Inter-Platform Function Usage Difference


时  间:2021年3月9日 下午3:30

地  点: 同济大厦A楼208教室


The preponderance of omni-channel retailing has culminated in challenges for third-party e-marketplace platforms. On one hand, platforms, in a bid to retain sellers, are compelled to support Online-Offline Channel Integration (OOCI). However, OOCI could encourage customers to switch to physical stores, thereby adversely affecting platforms’ product sales growth. On the other hand, platforms also face competitive pressure from rival platforms. To determine how OOCI-enabled platforms can outperform in such complex situations, we collected data from 52,040 products on a dominant Chinese e-marketplace platform and 213 sellers’ information on inter-platform function usage difference. Using propensity score matching and a hierarchical linear model, this study showed that informational OOCI, such as highlighting the particular products’ availability in physical stores through the online website (SAME), negatively influenced platform’s product sales growth, while the role of physical OOCI, such as the option of buy online pickup in store (BOPS), was not significant. Moreover, three sub-dimensions of seller’s inter-platform function usage difference (i.e., volume difference, category orientation difference, and uniqueness) have different effects on regulating the role of OOCI on platform’s product sales growth. Together, these findings provide important guidelines for both OOCI-enabled platforms and sellers to operate in omni-channel retailing.


刘和福: 博士,中国科学技术大学管理学院教授。Information Technology & People和Electronic Commerce Research and Applications副主编(Associate Editor)。研究领域包括供应链管理、IT价值创造、数字化商业模式、全渠道管理等。主持国家自然科学基金4项。其论文发表在了多个国际知名期刊,如Journal of Operations Management、Production and Operations Management、MIS Quarterly、Decision Support Systems等。论文已被Google学术引用3000多次, SCI/SSCI引用1000多次。


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