


题目1:Epidemics and Democratization: Historical Evidence from the Establishment of County Councils in China (1900-1949)
主讲人1:王丹利(上海对外经贸大学 讲师)
摘要: This study aimed to investigate the political impact of epidemics on democratic progress. We examined the occurrence of and deaths from epidemics and the subsequent establishment of county councils in China (1900-1949). We found that epidemics significantly promoted democratic change: 37.2% of the counties shocked by epidemics established local councils, among which 58.2% were established within two years following an epidemic outbreak. Meanwhile, only 8.5% of nonshocked counties established councils during 1900–1949. Accordingly, civil participation in local affairs induced by epidemics, substantial increases in political dissent, and the rise of “government by the people” consciousness are the possible mechanisms.

主讲人2:袁敏(同济大学经济与管理学院 博士生)


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