
Planning Shuttle Vessel Operations in Large Transshipment Ports – Integer Multi-Commodity Network Flow Models

演讲人: 金建钢, 上海交通大学

时间: 2021年4月2日下午 13:00-14:30

地点: 同济大厦A楼208教室


In large container transshipment ports, terminals and depots are often located separately in a regional coastal area, requiring efficient inter-terminal container pick-up and delivery operations. Small vessels are usually employed for inter-terminal cargo movement tasks. Various port operational requirements, such as restricted opening time for shuttle vessels, cargo ready time and due time, should be satisfied. Therefore, a need exists for systematic approaches to developing efficient shuttle vessel operation routes and schedules to fulfill the cargo movement requests. In this paper, we study the shuttle vessel operation planning problem and develop two integer multi-commodity network flow models with side constraints. The first model is built upon a traditional time-space network with vessel flows and cargo flows modelled separately. Observing that cargo requests seldom pass through more than one intermediate stop, we represent the vessel activity explicitly in the network and propose an improved time-space-activity network flow model. Enhancement techniques are further employed to control the network size and strengthen the quality of the linear programming relaxation. Computational experiments are conducted and the results show that proposed network flow models are capable of finding effective operation plans in an efficient manner.


金建钢,博士,上海交通大学交通运输工程系副教授。分别于清华大学和新加坡国立大学获得学士和博士学位。专注于大规模组合优化、整数规划和网络优化等运筹优化方法在交通和物流系统中的应用研究。在Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part A/B/C/E等期刊上发表30余篇SCI/SSCI期刊论文。主持3项国家自然科学基金项目(中加国际合作研究项目、面上、青年)。获INFORMS Railway Application Section铁路优化竞赛唯一一等奖、新加坡国立大学校长奖。担任国际期刊Computers & Industrial Engineering领域编辑(Area Editor)。

C:\Users\jinjg\LabData\0 - Jin Jiangang\证件照\20180529-IMG_2815 - Copy.JPG



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