
题目: 在危机和创新中推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化

Study on Promoting the Modernization of National Governance System and Governance Capacity under Crisis and Innovation

演讲人: 罗尚忠 中国软科学研究会理事长助理

时间: 2021年5月9日上午 10:00

地点: 同济大厦A楼505教室


Considering the current situation of crisis and innovation, the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity is very important. Crisis will be interpreted from two aspects: one is the COVID-19 and the Sino-US diplomatic storm; the other is the US comprehensive suppression of China and Huawei. And scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement in the 14th Five-Year Plan will be discussed in the lecture. The path to achieve the self-reliance and self-improvement is to promote theoretical innovation, practical innovation, institutional innovation, cultural innovation, and other innovation. Sixth industrial revolution, EU-China joint innovation, policy priority transfer of scientific research results, and other theories will be introduced in the lecture. The 14th Five-Year Plan calls for promoting the construction of modernization of national governance system and governance capacity. The lecture will focus on big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other modern technologies to realize smart government, smart medical care, smart education, smart agriculture, smart security, etc. The 14th Five-Year Plan and Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 will be realized through organic integration and complementarity among government, industry, academia, research, application, finance, service and law, through technology matching and network synergy in science and technology innovation.





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