
题目: 目标导向型公司的供应链绩效研究 Supply Chain Performance with Target-Oriented Firms

演讲人: 汤勤深,南洋商学院,南洋理工大学

时间: 2021年6月30日上午 10:00

地点: 腾讯会议ID:147595465 密码554327


We study a supply chain in which a supplier sets the wholesale price and a retailer responds with an order quantity. Both the two firms can be either risk-neutral—maximizing the expected profit—or target-oriented, which is to maximize her/his ability to reach a target profit. We provide a strong support for firms’ target-based preference and the linear target formation model through a survey as well as analyzing company data. With the firms’ target-oriented behavior evaluated by a CVaR-satisficing measure, we apply a game theoretical framework to investigate how the target-based preference affects supply chain performance. We find that, a firm, be it a supplier or a retailer, is always hurt by its target-based preference, but can benefit from its trading partner’s target-based preference. A risk-neutral supplier, for example, can sometimes reap the whole supply chain’s profit if the retailer is target-oriented; and a target-oriented supplier always performs better with a target-oriented retailer than a risk-neutral one. Furthermore, a target-oriented retailer or/and supplier can help alleviate the double marginalization effect, and sometimes help the supply chain achieve the same efficiency level as in a risk-neutral centralized system, with just a wholesale price contract. Another important finding is that if both firms are target-oriented, then the supply chain can have a higher expected profit under a decentralized system than a centralized one. This contrasts to the case when both firms are risk-neutral. We also investigate the role of outside option and information asymmetry and find that both can alleviate the retailer’s disadvantage of being target-oriented.


Dr. Tang Qinshen is an assistant professor at the Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University. Before joining NBS, he was a research fellow at the Institute of Operations Research and Analytics, National University of Singapore. He received his Ph.D. in Analytics and Operations from the National University of Singapore, and his M.S. in Management Science and Engineering, B.S. in Industrial Engineering from South China University of Technology. His primary research interests lie in data-driven and target-based decision making under uncertainty, with applications in operations and supply chain management. He is also interested in applying cooperative and non-cooperative game theory in solving problems in the interface of operations management and marketing/economics. He has an Honorable Mention in both POMS-HK Student Paper Competition and POMS Supply Chain Management Student Paper Competition.

汤勤深,本科和硕士就读于华南理工大学,并于2019年获得新加坡国立大学商业分析与运营系博士学位,现就职于新加坡南洋理工大学南洋商学院,担任信息技术和运营管理系助理教授。他目前主要研究兴趣包括数据驱动和目标导向的决策模型、鲁棒和鲁棒性优化,以及他们在运营和供应链管理中的应用。其研究结果发表在Journal of Mathematical Economics和European Journal of Operational Research等期刊。

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