




2016.2 香港城市大学 信息系统专业 博士学位 (导师:王伟泉教授、林开教授);

2010.7 中山大学信息管理与信息系统专业 学士学位;


  1. Deng, Honglin; Wang, Weiquan; Li, Siyuan; and Lim, Kai H.. 2022. "Can Positive Online Social Cues Always Reduce User Avoidance of Sponsored Search Results?," MIS Quarterly, (46: 1) pp.35-70. (UTD-24)
  2. Deng, Honglin; Wang, Weiquan; and Lim, Kai H.. 2022. "Repairing Integrity-Based Trust Violations in Ascription Disputes for Potential E-Commerce Customers," MIS Quarterly, (46: 4) pp.1983-2014. (UTD-24)
  3. Liu, Yinghao; Xu, Xin; Jin, Yong; and Deng, Honglin*. 2023. "Understanding the Digital Resilience of Physicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study," MIS Quarterly, (47: 1) pp.391-422. (UTD-24)
  4. Honglin Deng, Weiquan Wang, Kai Lim: Effects of Online Social Influence Cues on Suspicious Users' Avoidance of Sponsored Search Results: An Internalization Perspective under revision for the 2nd round of review at Information Systems Research. (UTD-24)
  5. Yinghao Liu, Honglin Deng*, Ji Wu*, Xin Xu, Xiaowei Mei: Social Technology, Consultation Price, and Healthcare Operation Efficiency: An Empirical InvestigationReject and resubmit at Production and Operations Management. (UTD-24)
  6. Tao Liu, Weiquan Wang, Jingjun Xu, Hongdong Ding, Honglin Deng*: Interactive effects of advising strength and brand familiarity on users' trust and distrust in online recommendation agents.2021, 34(7), pp. 1920-1948, Information Technology & People. (JCR-Q2)
  7. 刘意,谢康,邓弘林. 数据驱动的产品研发转型:组织惯例适应性变革视角的案例研究. 管理世界, 36(03): 164-183.
  8. 朱光,邓弘林*. 大数据背景下医院门诊挂号预约爽约行为预测研究. 医学信息, (2020年11期).
  9. 谢康,肖静华,邓弘林:数字孪生驱动的企业战略场景建模与决策分析. 中国信息化,2019, (2): 7-13

* corresponding author


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2023-2026):基于归因争议的潜在消费者在线信任裂痕修复机制研究(72272109),主持,在研,45万
  2. 国家自科青年项目(71902193):在线广告的社交属性对广告效果的增强机制研究(2020.01.01-2022.12.31),主持,18万元
  3. 广东省海外青年博士后引进项目(原“珠江人才计划”海外青年人才引进资助项目)(2020),100万
  4. 中国博士后基金面上项目,主持,结题,5万


  • 2014.9~2018.8 香港城市大学 高级研究助理
  • 2018.9~2021.8 中山大学 科研博士后


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