【2022年5月26日】【组织管理系(筹)学术讲座】Is Drinking Really That Bad? Local Drinking Culture and Firm Innovation


题目: Is Drinking Really That Bad? Local Drinking Culture and Firm Innovation

演讲人: 郭海,中国人民大学商学院

时间:2022年5月26日 14:00

地点:腾讯会议: 696 806 812



Combining views of sensation seeking theory and social identity theory, this study examines how local drinking culture influences firm innovation. We propose that, firms headquartered in areas with a greater preference for drinking tend to invest more heavily in innovation. We also theorize that the impact of local drinking culture on firm innovation is stronger for private-owned firms and for firms that hire local CEOs. In addition, we argue that CEO myopia and CEO overconfidence function as two mediators between local drinking culture and firm innovation. Our findings add fresh insights into literature on the cultural determinant of firm innovation by introducing a new cultural trait (i.e., local drinking preferences) and by digging into the underlying mechanism by which local drinking culture contributes to firm innovation.




郭海,管理学博士,中国人民大学商学院教授、博士生导师,中国人民大学“杰出学者”,中国人民大学商学院“教学杰出”教授,中国人民大学数字创业创新研究中心主任。在国内外核心期刊发表学术论文60余篇,主持5项国家自然科学基金项目,参与1项国家自然科学基金重点项目,曾获美国小企业与创业协会(USASBE)年会最佳论文奖、企业社会责任(CSR)国际学术研讨会优秀论文奖等奖项。Asia Pacific Journal of Management、Journal of Industrial Integration and Management、管理学季刊、管理学报、经济管理、外国经济与管理等期刊编审委员会委员。Journal of Product Innovation Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, R&D Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, 管理世界,管理科学学报,南开管理评论,管理学报, 管理评论, 科研管理,经济管理,经济理论与经济管理,研究与发展管理,外国经济与管理,管理学季刊等期刊匿名审稿专家。


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