【2022年6月2日】管理科学与工程系学术讲座:港口船舶服务优化 Vessel Service Planning in Seaports


题目: 港口船舶服务优化

Vessel Service Planning in Seaports

演讲人: 吴凌霄, 加拿大蒙特利尔高等商学院

时间: 2022年6月2日下午3:30

地点: Zoom会议

会议ID:85005229518 密码:274492


Berth allocation and pilotage planning are the two most important decisions made by a seaport for serving incoming vessels. Traditionally, the berth allocation problem and the pilotage planning problem are solved sequentially, leading to suboptimal or even infeasible solutions for vessel services. This paper investigates a vessel service planning problem (VSPP) in seaports that addresses berth allocation and pilotage planning in combination. We introduce a compact mixed-integer linear programming formulation for the problem, which can be solved by general-purpose solvers. To solve large-scale instances, we develop an exact solution approach that combines Benders decomposition and column generation within an efficient branch-and-bound framework. Unlike the traditional three-phase Benders decomposition and column generation method, which does not guarantee optimality, we propose a branching scheme that enables the approach to determine an optimal solution to the VSPP. The approach is enhanced through practical acceleration strategies. Extensive computational results using data instances from one of the world’s largest seaports show that these acceleration strategies significantly improve the performance of our solution approach and that it can obtain optimal or near-optimal solutions for instances of realistic scale. We show that our solution approach outperforms the method commonly used for solving similar problems. We perform sensitivity tests to demonstrate the robustness of the approach against variations in problem settings. We also show the benefits brought by integrated optimization by comparing our solution approach with a method that handles berth allocation and pilotage planning sequentially.


吴凌霄,博士,加拿大HEC Montreal博士后。分别于大连海事大学、同济大学和香港理工大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位。专注于大规模组合优化、随机优化和鲁棒优化等运筹优化方法在航运系统中的应用研究。在Operations Research, Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B/E等期刊上发表10余篇SCI/SSCI期刊论文。


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