【2022年9月7日】管理科学与工程系学术讲座:航运与物流研究的分享 Sharing on shipping and logistics research

题目: 航运与物流研究的分享 Sharing on shipping and logistics research

演讲人: Kee-hung Lai(黎基雄),香港理工大学工商管理学院

时间: 2022年9月7日下午3:00

地点: 线上腾讯会议

会议ID: 411975418 密码:521345



This seminar is organized in two parts. The first part introduces the International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (SSCI) and the Journal of Shipping and Trade (Open Access) to share the information and developments of these two scholarly journals. The second part shares the topic on green transition in China’s logistics industry with academic and managerial insights.


Dr Kee-hung Lai is Chair Professor of Shipping and Logistics at PolyU Business School of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Shipping and Trade and Editor of International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics and Maritime Business Review. He is also editorial board member of several academic journals including IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Information & Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Transportation Research Part E, and co-author of 7 books and over 200 scholarly journal papers in the field. He is highly cited researcher in Web of Science, top 2% most cited scientist based on the author database of Stanford University, and best business and management scientist by Resesarch.com, which ranks him no. 6 in China (no.83 worldwide). According to Web of Science, his h-index is 58 with over 12,500 citations.



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