






  • 2017.09-2022.10,香港城市大学,信息系统系,博士
  • 2015.09-2016.07,香港城市大学,数学系,数学金融和精算专业,硕士
  • 2010.09-2015.07,同济大学,物理科学与工程学院,应用物理专业, 学士


  • Time-varying Effects of Project Updates on Crowdfunding Success: A Dual-process Backer Engagement Perspective with Xin LI, J. Leon ZHAO
    • 3rd Round at Information Systems Research (UTD24)


    1. Yuk Yee CHAN; Wei HU(*); Jianming HUANG; Wanyue ZHOU; Xin LI / “Innovation Novelty and Firm Value: Deep Learning based Text Understanding”. 2023; International Conference on Information Systems 2023 (ICIS23)
    2. Wei HU; Weihong MA; J. Leon ZHAO / “Digital Disparity: Exploring Inequality in Non-Fungible Token Transactions”. 2023; International Conference on Smart Finance 2023 (ICSF2023)
    3. Qiang CAO; Wei HU; Sijia ZHOU; Bei LUO; Yuxuan YU; Shaoyi Stephen LIAO; J Leon ZHAO; Yiu Keung Raymond LAU / “The Role of Media Coverage on Pandemic Containment: Empirical Analysis of the COVID-19 Case”. 2020; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2020 (PACIS 2020)
    4. Wei HU; J Leon ZHAO / "The Impact of Textual Online Harassment on the Performance of Projects in Crowdfunding". 2019; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2019 (PACIS 2019)
    5. Wei HU; J Leon ZHAO / "Portfolio Optimization using Investor Sentiment". 2018; International Conference on Smart Finance 2018, (ICSF2018)

Working Papers

    1. Do Project Owners Learn? Associative Learning vs. Observational Learning in Optimizing Descriptions of Crowdfunding Projects / with Xin LI, Prepared for Submission;
    2. The Impact of Social Media Coverage on Individuals’ Attention to Self-protection / with Qiang CAO, Sijia ZHOU, Bei LUO, Prepared for Submission;
    3. Innovation Novelty and Firm Value: Deeper Understanding from Text / with Xin LI, Prepared for Submission;
    4. Determinants of the Inequality in Non-fungible Tokens Markets / with J Leon ZHAO, Prepared for Submission;
    5. Customer Churn Management in Bank Mobile Marketing using Hidden Markov Model / with Xin LI, Xin XU, Vijay MOOKERJEE;
    6. Hedge Marketing: Correlation-based Robust Recommendation / with Xin LI;
    7. Expert vs Amateur: Stock Market Sentiment Diffusion in Social Media / with Xin LI;
    8. More Toxic, More Engaged? Effects of Toxic Communication in Online Engagement in Social Media / with J Leon ZHAO, Xin LI;


  • 深圳市科创委基础研究项目,区块链安全机制和保护算法研究(参与,RIND-1614,2018.03-2021.03);
  • 四川省科学技术厅重大科技专项,基于文本分析和机器学习的投资者情绪预测、证券选择及动态投资组合技术(参与,19GJHZ0006,2019.01-2021.01));


  • 2023.03年至今,同济大学经济与管理学院 助理研究员
  • 2016.08-2017.08,香港城市大学经济金融系研究助理


  • 会议审稿:
    • International Conference on Information Systems 2020, 2019, 2018;
    • Pacific Conference on Information Systems 2020, 2019, 2018;
  • 期刊审稿:
    • Information Systems Research, Special Issue: Fintech – Innovating the Financial Industry Through Emerging Information Technologies,
    • Information Systems and e-Business Management,
    • Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,
    • Electronic Commerce Research,
    • Information Technology & People,
    • Internet Review


  • 信息系统协会(Association of Information Systems)
  • 2019.12,香港城市大学商学院博士生教学卓越奖
  • 2019.08,香港城市大学研究学费奖学金 (RTS)
  • 2019.08,香港城市大学杰出学术表现奖 (OAPA)
  • 2015.06,上海优秀毕业生
  • 2014.03,同济大学优秀班干部
  • 2013.12,同济大学学习奖学金二等奖
  • 2013.06,同济大学第七届学生创新训练计划一等奖
  • 2012.08,第三届中国大学生物理学家锦标赛(CUPT)二等奖
  • 2011.10,同济大学优秀学生
  • 2011.12,上海奖学金
  • 2011.12,同济大学学习奖学金一等奖

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