【2023年6月13日】【经济与金融系学术讨论会第176期】Corporate ESG Profiles and Consumption

题目:Corporate ESG Profiles and Consumption

演讲人:贺佳(南开大学 长任副教授)






摘要:Using transaction-level credit card spending data from a leading Chinese commercial bank, we show that consumers prefer firms with higher environmental, social, and governance (ESG) profiles. Specifically, we show that consumers increase their consumption by 4.9 % when the ESG rating increases by one unit. The consumption increase is more pronounced among female, unmarried, younger, and more educated consumers than for their counterparts, and for non-essential items. In addition, we demonstrate that consumers’ attention plays a significant role in the relationship between firms’ ESG profiles and consumer behavior. We further exploit the positive ESG–firm value relationship by utilizing consumption as a means of transmission. To address endogeneity concerns, we perform two difference-in-differences analyses, using the public interest litigation pilot program and the first release of a CSR report as sources of quasi-exogenous variation in the ESG profiles of firms. Overall, our study provides insight into the impact of ESG performance on credit card spending.

简介:贺佳,南开大学金融学院长任副教授,金融经济系主任,博士生导师,教育部“国家青年人才项目”计划入选者,亚洲金融与经济研究局(ABFER)Fellow,南开大学“百名青年学科带头人”。研究领域为房地产金融、家庭金融、消费金融。在Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, Review of Finance等杂志公开发表论文多篇。多次获得国内外金融领域学术奖励,如PWC3535最佳论文奖,Global Social Science Institute (GSSI) International Real Estate Review最佳论文奖,中国国际风险论坛最佳论文奖,中国金融学术年会最佳论文奖,亚洲房地产学会最佳论文奖,南开大学首届科学研究青年创新奖等。荣获天津市青年五四奖章和南开大学青年五四奖章。



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