


(1)ASHVIN – Assistants for Healthy, Safe, and Productive Virtual Construction Design, Operation & Maintenance Using a Digital Twin



  1. Timo Hartmann,Professor of Systems Engineering, TU Berlin. (14:00-15:00)
  2. 李楠,清华大学建设管理系长聘副教授、博士生导师。(15:00-16:00)




  1. Ashvin is a large scale EU funded project (€5,609,858.75) that aims at enabling the European construction industry to significantly improve its productivity, while reducing cost and ensuring absolutely safe work conditions. To this end, Ashvin provides a proposal for a European wide digital twin standard, an open source digital twin platform integrating IoT and image technologies, and a set of tools and demonstrated procedures to apply the platform and the standard proven to guarantee specified productivity, cost, and safety improvements. The envisioned platform provides a digital representation of the construction product at hand and allows to collect real-time digital data before, during, and after production of the product to continuously monitor changes in the environment and within the production process. Based on the platform, Ashvin develops and demonstrates applications that use the digital twin data. These applications will allow it to fully leverage the potential of the IoT based digital twin platform to reach the expected impacts (better scheduling forecast by 20%; better allocation of resources and optimization of equipment usage; reduced number of accidents; reduction of construction projects). The Ashvin solutions can overcome worker protection and privacy issues that come with the tracking of construction activities, provide means to fuse video data and sensor data, integrate geo-monitoring data, provide multi-physics simulation methods for digital representing the behavior of a product (not only its shape), provide evidence based engineering methods to design for productivity and safety, provide 4D simulation and visualization methods of construction processes, and develop a lean planning process supported by real-time data.
  2. 各类基础设施系统作为居民日常生活的关键支撑,是城市正常运行和可持续发展的重要物质基础,提升城市基础设施应对各类复杂的自然与人为风险的能力意义重大。各类基础设施系统之间并非各自独立,而是相互影响和依存,形成了具有密切耦合关系的关联基础设施系统,加剧了受灾后级联破坏的风险,并对灾后恢复的跨系统协同决策提出了挑战。与此同时,各类基础设施不仅是工程技术的集成,更是典型的社会-技术系统,不同干系人与基础设施间存在密切交互,对基础设施的应灾能力具有复杂影响。此外,基础设施的受灾破坏存在广泛的溢出效应,会通过复杂的机制向城市的经济社会维度扩散,导致城市中的经济活动受阻,产生显著的经济损失。本次讲座将详细介绍城市基础设施面临的上述灾害韧性挑战,以及围绕这些挑战的若干思考与前沿研究进展。


Timo is intrigued by the working processes of construction, engineering, and architectural professionals and how they design the complex engineering systems that keep our societies ticking, moving, and thriving. While he is in awe of how engineers are able to deal with the complexity of their designs, he tries to provide managerial and technical solutions that improve how they work. He believes in the digitalization of the industry in the sense that computational tools have the potential to allow engineers to design significantly different than they were able before – individually, but more importantly together in integrated engineering efforts. To develop such tools, it is important to consider both technical and social factors working in close collaboration with practitioners.

Timo received a Ph.D. from Stanford University where he was a student at the Center for Integrated Facility Management. His work has been published in Advanced Engineering Informatics, the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Building Research and Information, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Design Studies, or ITCON. He is the handling editor of Advanced Engineering Informatics where we explore the science of engineering knowledge formulation with computational methods and Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management where we would like to explore how to best manage collaborative and integrated engineering projects.

李楠,清华大学建设管理系长聘副教授、博士生导师,可持续城镇化研究所所长,土木水利学院院长助理,未来城镇与基础设施研究院院长助理。研究领域为城市防灾减灾与韧性管理。发表SCI/SSCI收录论文80余篇,出版专著1本,授权专利5项,获省部级科技奖励3项。入选国家海外高层次人才引进计划青年项目,爱思唯尔“中国高被引学者”,麻省理工科技评论中国区“35岁以下科技创新35人”,福布斯中国“30位30岁以下精英榜”。担任Advanced Engineering Informatics、ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering副主编,以及Automation in Construction等国际期刊编委,国际建造自动化与机器人学会(IAARC)理事,中国土木工程学会工程管理分会副秘书长、全联房地产商会数字城市分会副秘书长、中国建筑学会工程管理研究分会青年论坛副主任委员。


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