




Ph.D.    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

M.Sc.    University College, London

B.S.       Fudan University

  • Zhang, Y. Charles and Norbert Schwarz (in press). Feeling crowded: Temporary space limitations  affect perceptions of the spaciousness of unrelated objects. Anthropos.
  • Lin, Ying, Y. Charles Zhang, and Daphna Oyserman (2022), Seeing Meaning Even When None  Exists: Collectivism Increases Belief in Empty Claims, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  122(3), 351–366.
  • Zhang, Y. Charles (2021), Communication-based Attribute Inference, Journal of Consumer  Psychology, 31(2), 342-9.
  • Zhang, Y. Charles and Norbert Schwarz (2020), Truth from familiar turns of phrase: Word and  number collocations in the corpus of language influence acceptance of novel claims, Journal of  Experimental Social Psychology, 90.
  • Batra, Rajeev, Y. Charles Zhang, Nilüfer Z. Aydinoğlu and Fred M. Feinberg (2017), Positioning  Multi-Country Brands: The Impact of Variation in Cultural Values and Competitive Set, Journal  of Marketing Research, 54(6), 914-31.
  • Huang, Yunhui and Y. Charles Zhang (2016), The Out of Stock (OOS) Effect on Choice Shares of  Available Options, Journal of Retailing, 92, 13-24. (Equal authorship).
  • Zhang, Y. Charles and Norbert Schwarz (2013), The Power of Precise Numbers: A Conversational  Logic Analysis, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 5, 944-6.
  • Zhang, Y. Charles and Norbert Schwarz (2012), How and Why One Year Differs from 365 Days: A  Conversational Logic Analysis of Inferences from the Granularity of Quantitative Expressions,  Journal of Consumer Research, 39, 2, 248-59.

Ad hoc reviewer:

  • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
  • Journal of Consumer Research
  • Psychological Science
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
  • Journal of Consumer Psychology
  • Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
  • Journal of the Association for Consumer  Research
  • Journal of Retailing
  • Marketing Letters
  • Behavioral Science and Policy
  • International Journal of  Emerging Markets
  • Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making

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