【2024年6月18日】【经济与金融系学术讨论会第220期】Robust (Decentralized) Oracle Design

演讲人:张磊夫 助理教授 香港科技大学(广州)






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摘要:I consider a decentralized oracle where an adversary controls part of the nodes, and the remaining nodes are strategic in maximizing their expected payoffs. I show that a robust compensation mechanism—under that mechanism, there is an equilibrium in which truthful reporting is the unique optimal response for strategic nodes regardless of the adversary’s strategy—generally does not exist. Moreover, I stress that the popular aggregating method for obtaining a robust consensus may fail even without an adversary and ignores the intrinsically high-dimensional structure of decentralized oracles. I show that adversarial nodes which look normal in every single dimension could be detected from a “global” view by utilizing state-of-the-art algorithms in machine learning.





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