【2024年7月6日】【创新与战略系(筹)学术讲座】The Ripple Effects of Political Connections: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design

演讲人: 吴志岩 荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学长聘副教授


地点: 同济大厦A楼501教室

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Using a regression discontinuity design in a sample of U.S. congressional special elections, we investigate how political connections established by one firm (networking firm) create ripple effects on its peers (peer firms) in the same product market, encouraging them to appoint politicians to their boardroom. By analyzing special elections won or lost by a narrow margin, we find that when the networking firm had donated to a politician who narrowly won a special election, its peer firms’ director appointments are 43% higher in the following year than those of firms that had supported a narrowly defeated candidate. The ripple effects are more pronounced among peer firms facing greater political risks and operating in industries with more intense competition for government sales. Additionally, the ripple effects also lead to increased product differentiation among peer firms. We interpret these patterns as evidence of a competitive dynamic mechanism, where peer firms perceive the networking firm’s political connections as a threat that could disadvantage them in the regulatory environment, prompting them to strengthen their boards with political capital to navigate potential regulatory changes and mitigate perceived risks. Our findings enrich scholarly understandings of political connections and director selections.



吴志岩,荷兰伊拉斯姆斯大学长聘副教授,研究方向主要聚焦战略管理;研究成果发表在Academy of Management Journal、Management Science、Organization Science等UTD-24国际顶刊。



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