
Information for Doctoral Students and
Collaboration with the EDAMBA Students Network

Being one member of EDAMBA, School of Economics and Management (SEM), Tongji University recently received the following information from our European partners.
On Tuesday, May 16th, 2006, EURAM, with the collaboration of EDAMBA and EIASM, will celebrate a Doctoral Conference or Doctoral Consortium in Oslo, in which doctoral students can submit their research projects.
From May 17th- 20th, 2006, EURAM will celebrate in Oslo the Annual Conference. Faculty members and advanced doctoral students can submit their papers. Information can be found at https://www.euram2006.no/
For the consolidation of the EDAMBA students network it is very important that each programme member of EDAMBA would have one or two doctoral students who can activate the network. Direct communication between doctoral students is very productive.
If having an interest, please get in touch with the association according to the contact information on the above website.


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