
2010324,芬兰赫尔辛基经济学院Helsinki and Helsinki School of Economics (HSE)12名市场和管理专业的本科高年级学生将来访同济大学。届时,芬兰赫尔辛基经济学院的带队老师Dr. Arno Kourula将在嘉定校区给双方的学生做一个有关可持续发展和企业社会责任方面的英语讲座,并就学生交流作介绍。欢迎我院的广大师生积极参与该次国际交流活动。






咨询电话:021-65981143, 陆老师


以下是Dr. Arno Kourula的背景情况和讲座内容的大致介绍:

Dr. Arno Kourula is a project manager at Aalto University School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. His areas of expertise in the field of international business are corporate responsibility, international business-society management and stakeholder management.    

His presentation is in two parts – firstly a national and secondly a corporate perspective to sustainable development and corporate responsibility. In the first part of the presentation, Dr. Kourula reviews the public policy of Finland towards sustainable development and corporate responsibility, especially focusing on recent developments towards creating a coherent policy identifying business economic, environmental and social responsibilities within the Finnish context. Corporate responsibility policy is strongly linked to economic competitiveness and national innovation policy in Finland. As an introduction to the Finnish concept of corporate responsibility, Dr. Kourula reviews some key frameworks to compare responsibility across nations, since each national business system has a strong impact on the role of business in society. In the second part of his presentation, Dr. Kourula examines successful cases of large Finnish multinational companies that have implemented corporate responsibility in different industries, such as Nokia in the field of mobile phones, Kesko in retailing and Fortum and Neste Oil in the energy industry. After the presentation, there will be time for questions and answers.





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